breathe.js API
# Breathable Chains
Breathable Chains are similar to traditional promises in that they implement then()
and catch()
methods, though they return the original chain object rather than a new promise. Breathable chains implement additional methods to stop, pause, and unpause promise chains.
- # breathe.chain([initValue])
- creates and returns a breathable chain, with a promise chain initialized to initValue.
- # breathableChain.then(onFulfilled[, onRejected])
- adds functions onFulfilled and onRejected to the promise chain, which are called when the promise is fulfilled or rejected. Similar to
, except it alters its internal promise chain instead of returning a new promise. Both onFulfilled and onRejected can optionally return a value to pass on to the next promise chain, or a promise (breathable or not), that are resolved or rejected before continuing down the promise chain. Returns the invoking breathableChain.
- adds functions onFulfilled and onRejected to the promise chain, which are called when the promise is fulfilled or rejected. Similar to
- # breathableChain.catch(onRejected)
- adds function onRejected to the promise chain, which is called when the promise is rejected. Similar to
, except it alters its internal promise chain instead of returning a new promise. onRejected can optionally return a value to pass on to the next promise chain that are resolved or rejected before continuing down the promise chain. Returns the invoking breathableChain.
- adds function onRejected to the promise chain, which is called when the promise is rejected. Similar to
- # breathableChain.pause()
- requests breathableChain to pause its current chain. Because not all promises in the chain may be pauseable, pausing may be delayed until the current promise resolves. Returns a promise that resolves when the current chain is paused.
- # breathableChain.unpause()
- requests breathableChain to unpause its current chain. Returns a resolved promise.
- # breathableChain.stop()
- requests breathableChain to stop its current chain. Because not all promises in the chain may be stoppable, stopping may be delayed until the current promise resolves. Returns a promise that resolves when the current chain is stopped.
# Loops
Breathable Loops are breathable chains that repeatedly iterate over a body while a condition is true. They can be stopped, paused, or unpaused. They can serve as a replacement to while
- # breathe.loop(config)
- config.condition [required]
- an argumentless function that should return false (or a falsey value) if the loop should exit
- config.body [required]
- a function that gets called for every iteration of the loop. It can optionally return a value; if it returns a promise or chain (breathable or traditional), the loop does not continue iterating until the promise or chain resolves.
- config.condition [required]
- # breathe.loop(condition, body, [config])
- equivalent to calling breathe.loop, with config.condition and config.body set to condition and body
# Special Loops
Times Loops are breathable chains that repeatedly iterate over a body for a fixed number of iterations. They can be stopped, paused, or unpaused. They can serve as a replacement to some for
- # breathe.times(config)
- config.iterations [required]
- a value equal to the number of iterations of the loop.
- config.body [required]
- a function(iterationNumber) that gets called for every iteration of the loop. The first argument is the current iteration number (starting at 0). It can optionally return a value; if it returns a promise or chain (breathable or traditional), the loop does not continue iterating until the promise or chain resolves.
- config.iterations [required]
- # breathe.times(iterations, body, [config])
- equivalent to calling breathe.times, with config.iterations and config.body set to iterations and body